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Welcome to Weasel World!!!

This is weasel talk the talk of anything ferrety!

As all animal lovers know ferrets are the best and coolest of all animals. If you like horses you must imeditally leave this site or be mauled by viciousley by rabid monguses (so please come again!). On this page you will see many ferrets (hence this is a weasel web page). Another subject on this site is mushrooms. If you dont like mushrooms you will get a horribled disease. Your blood will boil, your kidneys will burst, your eyes will rip out of your head, your brains will ooze out of your nose, and some other horrorable stuff so like mushrooms or die! I also spelled weasel weasle so please forgive me. (ok CONNOR!!!)

Ferret questoins

Do Ferrets Bite?
A ferret that has been well treated and well bred should not bite or be vicious, but ferret play does involve mock combat, and a ferret will not know how hard they can play with you without hurting you. Ferrets have very thick skin, so when they play with each other, and drag each other around, they don't hurt each other. However, when they try to play with you this way, their play can be painful. Ferrets simply need to learn that you have more tender skin, and that they cannot nip you like they would another ferret. Punishing a ferret will achieve nothing but making the ferret afraid of you, and more likely to bite. Instead firm pressure on the lower jaw, or cheeks, or putting them in a time out, will achieve much more. A kit is a little easier to nip train, due to lack of jaw strength, but an experienced ferret owner can train ferrets of any age.

Are Ferrets Good Around Kids?
Maybe. It depends on the maturity of the child, and the temperament of the ferret. Ferrets are small, fragile creatures, and have only their teeth and nails to defend themselves with, unlike a dog or cat who can usually bark or get away. Hyperactive young children and hyperactive ferrets usually do not mix well. However a more mature child and a calmer ferret may get along splendidly. Ferrets also require more maintenance than cats and dogs, and most children are just not responsible enough to take care of a ferret by themselves, without neglecting the ferret.What Do You Feed A Ferret?
Ferrets are carnivores by nature, so they need a meat based diet. Most high quality kitten food and ferret foods meet the requirements, but it is best to check the ingredients for yourself. Grocery store foods are NOT acceptable. Ferret food requirements are: 30-35% protein (32-38% for young ferrets under the age of 4), 15-20% fat (18-22% for young ferrets), and less than 3% fiber. The first ingredient should be animal protein (meat), and as at least 2 or 3 or the next few ingredients. Ferrets can not digest fiber, so limit fiber rich foods and treats. Some people will say, hey ferrets can live off of anything. We as people could live off of just candy bars, but would we be at our full energy and health? Probably not. A good diet is very important to both people and animals.

Can You Litter Train A Ferret?
Usually. However, depending on the ferret and how much time you are willing to spend litter training a ferret, you can end up with anywhere from a 0% to a 100% hit rate. Most ferrets average about a 75% hit rate, so you have to be prepared for the occasional ‘present’ in the corner of the room. Ferrets are best trained by rewards, never by punishment. What Is 'Ferret proofing'?
Ferrets are by nature very curious animals. They like to get into small spaces and rooms and investigate. The problem is when these areas are dangerous to the ferrets. Appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, and similar items can be dangerous if the ferret manages to get inside. Couches and recliners can be death traps for ferrets. A ferret can get crushed in the gears of a recliner or in the springs of a couch by an unsuspecting owner who thinks the ferret is not even in the room. Ferrets love to chew on sponges, erasers, shoes, foam earplugs, silly putty, foam rubber, Styrofoam, insulation, rubber door stoppers and anything else spongy or springy. These can all cause life threatening blockages in a ferret. Toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls can be a problem as the ferret can get their head stuck inside and either choke or suffocate.

Do Ferrets Need To Have Shots?
Yes. Ferrets need to be vaccinated for both canine distemper and rabies every year. Canine distemper is 100% fatal to ferrets. There is no cure once they catch it, only prevention. It is also extremely contagious. Just because a ferret does not go out of the house does not mean they can't catch it. Young kits and ferrets with unknown vaccination histories need to have at least two shots, possibly three, each shot 2-4 weeks apart. Ferrets can catch rabies, but the chance of them infecting another is slim to none. Regardless, having your ferret vaccinated for rabies is a good idea to protect them in the case that they ever bite a stranger. If they have been vaccinated, they will probably simply be quarantined. If they have not been vaccinated, there is always a chance they will be killed for testing.

Do Ferrets Need To Be Spayed Or Neutered?
Yes. Both male and female ferrets have a very strong odor while in heat. Male ferrets will become very aggressive to other ferrets, to the point of injuring or even killing other ferrets. Female ferrets, if not bred every year, will develop aplastic anemia, and will die. Breeding is very difficult and not recommended. First time mothers will not always take care of their kits, and another nursing mother needs to be willing to take care of the kits.

What exactly is a ferret? There are so many ways to describe a ferret. Ferrets are very playful, kind of like a permanent kitten. They will chase you around, happily engage in ferret games with you, and try to get your attention to play with them if they feel they are being ignored. Ferrets are very affectionate once they have learned to love and trust you. They can also be cuddly. Not all ferrets are cuddly, but the ones that are can just melt your heart. When ferrets have calmed down after a hard play, and they know you and trust you, they can curl up into a ball on your lap and snooze away for hours. Ferrets are very intelligent. They can learn from their mistakes, and rarely make the same mistake more than a few times. They will problem solve, and you would be amazed at just what they can come up with. Now not every ferret is super intelligent, it varies from ferret to ferret, just like people. There are a few dodos out there, but it just makes them more lovable. Ferrets are very personable, and each ferret has its own distinct personality. Some are quiet, some playful and outgoing, but regardless, every ferret is a special ferret. They will amaze and delight you, and provide for hours of fun and companionship for their entire lives. They take a lot of work, but they are more than worth it. Just keep in mind if you are thinking of getting a ferret, they bond to you, and will suffer emotionally if you tire of them and dump them off after a year or two. So please, read up on them, do research, and make sure you have the time, and the energy to have one of these wonderful pets for their entire lifetime.


As many people know mushrooms are fungus. You should not eat a mushroom in the wild becauseit may be poisionus! despite what people say cooked mushrooms taste very good. Here are some mushroom recipies:

1/4 cup minced scallions
2 tsp reduced-calorie tub margarine
4 oz drained canned crabmeat, cartilage removed
2 tblsp minced fresh parsley
1 tblsp drained white horseradish
2 cloves garlic, minced (pressed)
2 drops hot red pepper sauce
2 1/4 cup small mushrooms, stems removed* (24)
Ground red pepper to garnish

* Reserve stems to use in soup.

1. Combine scallions and margarine in 2-cup measure. Microwave on High
2 minutes; stir in crabmeat, parsley, horseradish, garlic and pepper
sauce. Stir well.

2. Place half the mushrooms, stemmed sides up, in a 9" pie plate. Fill
each mushroom cap with 1 t. crab mixture. Microwave on High 3-4
minutes, turning plate once. Remove mushrooms to serving plate; repeat
with remaining mushrooms and filling. Let stand 2-3 minutes before
serving. To garnish, sprinkle with ground red pepper.

Each serving (6 mushrooms) provides: 1/4 FA, 1 P, 1 1/4V.
Per serving: 52 cals, 7 g pro, 2 g fat, 3 g car, 120 mg sod, 25 mg chol.

Weasel War Dance

If you do get a ferret and after you and it play a game your ferret might run around jumping and making funny sounds. This is the "Weasel War Dance". It is very funny and amusing to watch. After the dance give it a treat like a raisin or a few fruit loops for another amusing dance.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please give me a call at 480-609-1060 or send an e-mail to

Weasle World!!!